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Advance Training Program on Conservation

Efficient Management of Water Resources

The course has been developed by specialists of the Samara Region Water Resource Office of the Downstream Volga Water Basin Headquaters to help water users to adapt to frequently changing environmental laws and regulations, to teach them technologies and practices to develop and use regulatory, reporting and accounting documents and federal requirements in water consumption, practice to consider and agree regulations which give the right to use water resources.


Time of training course: 72 academic hours.
Form of training course: evening classes.
No. Subjects Hours, total Hours on-site Form of control
1 Global environmental and economic problems and their influence in the development of Russian economy. Energy consumption issues. Global crisis in raw sector. Influence of business activities on hydrosphere. Water resources of Russia. Kinds of contamination of hydrosphere. Local features of environmental problems. 10 2 Test
2 The RF water regulation and water code. System of governmental management of water consumption and environmental conservation in the Russian Federation and Samara Region. 16 2 Test
3 Regulatory issues. Federal standards (GOSTs) and Sanitary Regulations and Norms. Calculation of taxes for water contamination and order of agreement. Reporting forms. Limits of water consumption and water removal. Balance scheme of industrial enterprise. Requirement of water consumption and water removal. Fees for use of water resources. 18 4 Test
4 Safety of surface-water resources. Water protection areas. Rights to use surface-water bodies. VAT calculation and order of it agreement. Environmental monitoring and analytical control. 12 2 Test
5 State control and supervision in water resources consumption and protection. System of state control. Requirements and responsibilities in water consumption. 6 4 Test
6 Up-to-date practices of water consumption. Efficient water consumption. Anthropogenic influence on water resources. Surface and underground water resources. Equipment for water treatment and water preparation: comparative characteristics. Cadastre of waste treatment facilities of the Samara Region. Reconstruction of existing and construction of new waste treatment facilities. State hydro-economic expertise of technical facilities. Safety of hydro-technical facilities. 10 4 Test
  TOTAL: 72 18  



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